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Morning rounds:
Trench C3: Added 3 new workers (including Garin) so we can now work with 4 in area A and 4 in area C. In both areas we are digging rather undifferentiated med. brown alluvial wash.
Trench C4: The ceramics that we left in place on Friday were still in place but it does look like there was some disturbance. The ceramics now look rather late--e.g. post-urartian. The clay layer is still in place so Armine is tracing it out in the trench. The large fragment now is clearly complete and appears to be set into a pit excavated in the clay floor (locus 3).
Trench NT1: Continuing through wash layer. Wall in SE corner continuing. We added 2 new workers so are now up to 8, allowing us to work 4 in area A and 4 in B.
Trench NT3: Continued digging in sondage. I think there may have been a thin floor of darkened clay but may have been very spotty. Changed loci and continued down until Belinda spotted a slight shift in soil density. I think this was a surface but not a floor.
Trench WT3: Southern half of trench now largely consumed by large natural rock outcrop. Will clean and assess. Northern half of trench continuing down through layer of dark brown soil with medium stones. It looks like there are now 3 walls in the trench.

Afternoon Rounds:
Trench C4: Preparing trench for photo. It is a bit uneven but should be ready before end of day.
Trench C3: Continuing through wash. A few small finds including a ceramic spindle whorl and a groundstone mortar.
Trench NT1: Continuing down in both A and B operations. Walls on South end of B continuing down nicely.
Trench NT3: Moving down through mottled soil with way increasingly blocked by large stones.
Trench WT3: Now has 3 walls in trench but stone cluster in northwestern corner mysterious. We must expose the western side in orde rto clarify.