07/28/2006 Worked in WSH today, first finishing locus 30 towards the north and then creating two new locus in the area of the extension and the staircase, in order to try and define the doorway between rooms I and H. There are a great many fallen rocks in the western part of the extension, making it difficult to see the wall and doorway between room I and room H. Spent most of the afternoon gradually cleaning and removing fallen rocks. Work proceeded in room I, locus 15, where we are screening the clayish tan silt. Also, one worker was asigned to cleaning locus 16 of WSG, the area on top of the southwest wall. Adam was at Tsaghkahovit today, and we spoke about what remains to be done in rooms H and G. There is still much work to be done in room H. After defining the doorway between I and H, I will go back to the floor of locus 30 and trowel down the entire floor. Will take pollen samples. Will then take locus 30 down to bedrock so that I can draw the complete section, as it is now visible along the southeast. Will then finally take down the southeast third of the room to bedrock. All this could still take several days. Will then take the floor in room G down to bedrock as well.