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Morning Rounds:
Trench WT3: Ian continuing down to level surface in NE and opening/defining W balk more clearly. We are hoping to better define any architecture that may be hiding in the stone pile that consumes much of the NW section of the trench.
Trench NT3: Continuing.
Trench NT1: In SW came down on a series of charcoal deposits that look quite clearly to be burned beams. They are lying in a silty sand matrix so don't appear to rest on a floor. In the SE corner we began excavation behind the stone wall and came upon a half of an early LBA vessel lodged under a stone in the S balk. We cleaned the area and did photos. Lauren is now clearing all of area B to the level of burning. We have stopped work for now behind the wall.
Trench C4: Defining floor in entire trench.
Trench C3: Continuing through wash.
Afternoon Rounds:
Slowed by a little rain after lunch but we were able to continue work after a 10 minute interruption.
Trench WT3: Continuing work in west section of trench but rock pile not becoming much clearer. We will expand the western half of the trench 2m to the north.
Trench NT3: Belinda may be bottoming out. She has a mottled clay floor but below that is a orange soil that looks like bedrock.
Trench NT1: concentrating on area A as Lauren trowels level with burning in area B.
Trench C4: Photographed floor at final level and then continued. It looks like bedrock is just below. We will need to find a new location for a citadel sounding.
Trench C3: Continuing through wash.