8/3/06 Finally started the section along the southeast floor of WSH today, but because of the very minute changes across the 6.34m section, I only managed to get about 1 meter of it done. Will continue tomorrow. Created three new loci in this operation today, one for the northwest wall (locus 39), one for the stone feature (locus 41) and one for a probe into the center of the floor, essentially the continuation of locus 30 (locus 40). Three artifacts were found on this floor today, a polished elongated bone, a stone bead, and another zoomorphic third phalanx, similar to the one found in WSI locus 2. Meanwhile, in WSI we completed locus 13, which proved not as deep as locus 9. The northeast wall of this doorway is only two courses of stones, while the southwest course of stones is only one course. In excavating locus 13, we went below both courses of stones. Also, the area is blocked by another wall across the northwest. This is either a later closure of the space or perhaps this area isn't actually a doorway but a separate area or room of some sort. Finally, worked continued in WSI locus 16, where we found a C14 sample along the southwest wall. It looks as though we're coming upon the floor below locus 16.