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08/05/06 Finally finished the section in the floors of WSH today, although the task took nearly the entire day. On Monday, I will finally be able to take down this final area in the southeast of room H. Since we finished locus 40 today, and have therefore bottomed out at the sterile, white/orange clay nearly across the entire trench, all else that remains to be done in room H is to clean the area of the doorway into room I, locus 35. Will do this after we finish with the final bit of locus 30. Created a new locus in WSG today, a probe in the north corner. The purpose of this probe is to see whether there's another floor beneath locus 17. However, by the end of the day it became apparent that the sandy orange clay matrix beneath locus 17 (i.e. locus 18) is basically sterile, and we don't have two floors here as we did in WSH. Will finish the probe on Monday and then move on to completing locus 16 in this room, the area above the southwest wall. May take down the doorway between WSH and WSG before closing both of these trenches. Closed several locus in WSI today (14, 15, and 16) and created a new locus, 19, to marks the dark brown silt wash in the northeastern area of the room. We're screening this new locus, since judging by the clayish matrices along the southwest and northwest walls, we're probably very close to the floor in this room. An unusual iron object was found in locus 19 today.