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8.24.06 Spent most of my resources today on finishing WSI for final photos. We finished clearing off locus 32 and locus 6. Also resumed work in locus 23, the area over the northwest wall, and created two new loci for the actual doorway out of room I. Locus 34 is the top rocky silty matrix of the doorway and locus 35 is the medium brown silt below it. The doorway is marked by impressively worked stones on both internal faces. Have decide to take this down to the bottom, if possible. Photographed the doorway from inside and above before dismantaling what appears to have been an intentional closure. Work also proceeded in the northeast third of room I today, an area of very clayish silt which I designated locus 11. One piece of groundstone and a charcoal sample were collected from this locus. At the end of the day, I drew a section of the northeast baulk in room I.