2008-06-26. Friday. Sunny with scattered clouds, wind from the northeast-- only occasional gusts over the hill. Today we continued cleaning the various backfills, baulk collapses and general debris and plants out of T19. The goal is to clean down to the exposed surface of 2006, in order to take photos and levels. This entails cleaning off all of the stones in the walls and eastern collapse section-- this collapse might be from the citadel wall, or from a section of wall which might intersect the wall curving out of the northeast corner of T16. Another component of the clean is to re- uncover the sections of LB floor in the base of the trench-- located in the approximate center, and east of the lower wall segment which lies in the western end of the unit. Work progressed steadily but was slightly frustrating, as a great deal of dirt must be moved with no new features uncovered. Also, as work progressed, the enormity of the task of removing the massive fallen boulders became clearer. All of the finds for Locus 100 (so far 1.5 bags ceramic, 1 bag bone, 1 bag lithics, 1 bag various charcoal) are from mixed, or backfill contexts. Nonetheless, some of the finds may have eroded out of the upper (i.e. eastern) baulk and so might correspond to earlier finds in the stone collapse (esp. the ceramics). Some bones were taken from beneath stones in the collapse, and more bones are emerging from the east baulk-- all appear to be unarticulated faunal remains. Three datums were painted on rocks at three elevations within the trench-- these will be shot in tomorrow with the total station. Levels will be taken after the clean is finished and photos have been taken. One area of backfill-over-plastic was completely removed, over a layer of yellowy- gray sand and decayed stone between the courses of the E-W wall, near the east baulk. Hopefully tomorrow we can finish cleaning so that the status of the unit may be appraised, and the next phase of excavation strategized.