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Morning At Gegharot...Yesterday RB and AH opened 3 trenches at Gegharot.
Trench 2b and c: 2 3x3m extensions of Trench 2 from 2000. These have been defined w/ topsoil removed but no further work here until Ian finishes at Tsakahovit and moves here.
Trench 5: Started yesterday as a 5x2m excavation on the SW slope, we have found a wall running perpendicular across the trench and so arel expanding to a 5x5m. RB believes wall is EBA and materials suggest he is right. East of the wall, deposits look like bedrock but cultural deposits continue west of wall.
Trench 6: A 2x4m trench on W slope at same contour as T5. Line of stones look like a wall but here deposits look less promising.
Looking at the landscape, it is possible that a river once descended from the canyon above Gegharot village to run into the Kasakh. Perhaps bedrock deposit is alluvial but seems unlikely at present.