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PA, RB, ATS all at Tsakahovit.
Morning: Set new BmF above Trench WS1 and shot that trench in.
Trench C5: found whole vessel (Achae/Hellen) under interior wall with second fragmented vessel just to the south. Provides us with a terminus post quem for the interior wall which must be post-Achaemenid. But when post-Achaemenid we must consult on ceramics with Mickey.
Trench C3: In area A, the peculiar packed clay deposit now looks like perhaps the lining for a pit. But why it seems to be only a semi-circle is unclear. Additionally, the thin yellow clay layer inside this construction is very difficult to figure out since it extends only part of way across possible pit. We will take out the yellow clay layer and pedestaled substrate, bring the area around the construction level and continue down. In area C, ashy matrix to W of stone floor continuing down further than we imagined. Line of 3 very large stones may be our LBA construction since pottery appears to be 100% LBA.
Trench WS1: Hit sterile bedrock only ca. 70cm below surface. We are mystified as to why we have over 3m of deposits on citadel (3) and so little at base. Belinda drew the section and we closed the excavation.
Trench WT2: Ian drawing section and will finish today.
Trench NT1: continuing with balk removal between A and B. And continuing down in C through mottled orange clay, burned soil and ash.
Afternoon: Feel like shit. Slightly feverish and very tired.
C3d: Under Belinda's supervision, Ian's old workers began taking down area D. Just centimeters under the surface found 2 whole vessels undoubtedly associated with the late level in C (e.g. Medieval or later).
NT1c: Small impressions in clay floor suggest post-holes. One is circular, the other is L-shaped.