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2008.06.30. Monday. this morning i finished a more accurate a larger sketch of the trench as it is now, and i took some levels-- for walls, for locus 103,105, 107, and to delineate the outline of the rockfall-- which is now changing continuously of course as we remove all moveable rocks. Locus 103 has been cleaned down to dark stains and bedrock, and 102 and 101 will soon follow in terms of overall cleanliness and visibility. the remaining preservative rocks were removed from the space between the western walls. the workers are alternately pulling rocks and cleaning away topsoil from 106-- with an atttempt to keep 105 clean. Halfway through the day i recieve new directives, and the walls to the southeast (loci 101-103) are re- addressed. also the bedrock is cleaned as far up as possible where the LB wall courses seem to be founded in stepped cuts into the bedrock, going up into the east baulk. it is breezy from the west, with scattered clouds, alternately sunny and cold. I took a C14 sample today-- the first fro, locus 106. All afternoon this locus-- the soil matrix around and below the rockfall-- continued to produce large numbers of sherds and very large amounts of broken animal bones, which RB noted was similar to soils in the collapse above the LB layers in T2 (?). At the very end of the day a large section of of broken and flattened pot was uncovered in situ under a medium- sized rock in the north-central section of the trench: this find will wait for further investigation tomorrow. there is still a fair amount of dirt to be moved-- not to mention the asofyet unadressed western section of the trench.