7/2/08 Today we continued to take down the N quadrant and remove the rocks that are clearly fall. Near the clay feature found yesterday coming out of the W baulk is also a clay lens that extends farther but is almost 2-dimensional and flat. We have preserved it for as far as we could see it, for photos tomorrow. It is also drawn in my field notebook. There was also on the W baulk a strange accretion, primarily yellow, but with orange (rusty?) and grey lenses in it. It is friable, and light, and not any sort of rock that I’ve seen before at Gegharot. Adam and Ruben are also not sure what it is at first glance. We removed a chunk of it, but a chunk also remains sticking out of the baulk. In locus 3, we have come down to a lighter, drier matrix, and I will probably change loci tomorrow, to reflect the soil change, and also to reflect the fact that we seem now to have 3 walls out of a probable four for this room. In the N quadrant, the wall does in fact appear to be a wall, and it is not parallel to the N baulk but sort of cuts inward toward the N corner. Also in my drawing for 7/2/08. On the “outside” (i.e. to the north) of the north wall is a very black matrix that may have a great deal of charcoal in it. We found another jar stopper, and some sort of obsidian tool in the shape of a point, but it is unlike any projectile point I have seen before; the short side that you might expect to adjoin the shaft is also retouched, and not notched.