2008-07-02. Wednesday. this morning we finished cleaning off the central floor of the trench for photos, of a mostly if not entirely cleaned operation. during the photographs ATS observed also the patchy floor- type deposits emerging to the north of the LB wall's large foundation stones. the plan for this area (starting thursday/ tomorrow) will be to 'chase' the lighter, more solid clay floor (noticed today that a narrow area was less prone to crumbly dustiness) across in a swathe to the east an north, until it peters out. at the current time the elevation of the trench floor is higher in those areas anyway, by a centimeter or so. much of the morning was spent preparing for the photo-- but i started clearing back the spill and fillfromt he area in the northwest of the trench, where there is a passage between the western wall and the stone collapse (generally, between loci 104 and 106), this area has suffered from our trafffic as we removed the dirt and stones of 106 etc, and was never exavated all the way to the plastic which lined this area of the operation. after unch today i started working in the west end of the trench, while also taking elevations and adding to my plan drawing. the afternoon work got off to a rough start, as the workers slightly overdug the soil change near the northwest corner-- tomorrow i will start two of them working in locus 108 with trowels. work in 108 uncovered a number of large EB sherds-- RB pointed out the slab joins, and they are of a lighter, brighter red- orange color than the mostly gray sherds which have been coming up elsewhere in the trench. the plan for tomorrow: trowel back floor , trowel and pick 'entrance' --this may get a new locus after i make sure the backfill has been removed) and trowel back locus 108.