Today we extended the trench 2 m to the W, making the whole thing 6 x 9 m. We are trying to capture the entire room. The work in the Eastern 3 m will wait till we get a handle on this room, since we don’t have a floor yet. We took down the N corner to get it even with the rest of the room, and removed a burned beam, though ATS says it is too small for dendro. (T22.03.C14.02) I also began to take down the clay smear, thinking that it was just a bled-out portion from the tube-shaped feature, and it certainly has bled out, but in taking it down, I found that it appears to be bounded by a ring of rocks that meet the tube at its easternmost extent. So I left it up at the rock-ring, and hopefully we will get some more answers about it when we take down the extension further (so far we’ve only taken off the topsoil and begun to level the N corner, which is always the highest in that trench). I made each of the three exposed walls a new locus: Locus 4: the N wall; Locus 5: the E wall (and the only completely-exposed wall); Locus 6: the S wall.