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Morning rounds:
Trench C3: Area C almost finished. We will wait for final cleaning until wind dies down. Today it is too blustery. Continuing in Areas B and A. In B we are on a layer of cobbles that slows us down. In A, trying to define floors and pit features.
Trench C5: Defining architecture in extension and finding a range of ceramics against the constructions: LBA and Achaem.
Trench NT1: Working to finish since Lauren leaving on thursday morning. Area A/B almost complete to floor. Area C continuing only in N end since S consumed by rocks.
Trench ET1: Continuing down through wash. Strangely, the terrace wall has already petered out, about 30cm below surface. Numerous rocks in layer just below topsoil that will need to come out. Material densities generally very low.
Trench NT1: Floor almost completely exposed in A/B. Mottled clay/black layer in North edge of C suggests floor may have been exposed here too. Cleaning top of walls to open them for Hasmik.
Trench C5: cleaned Area A south of pit and came down upon final yellow clay floor that rests atop bedrock. Set into floor is a stone (natural rock?) pit just adjacent to the stone basin.