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Today we began work with two more workers and a wheelbarrow. This significantly increased our pace and productivity. We will have six workers for the forseeable future.Adam joined us at the site today in order to shoot in trenches and datums. We layed out operation AB3 on at the northwestern corner of the second Aragatsi-Berd north terrace, incorporating portions of the likely LB exterior terrace wall and the bedrock terrace backing. The operation is 3 x 12m. We will excavate the northern half of the trench first (3 x 6m) in order to ensure that we will finish a complete profile there this season. Opening photos and turf removal half commenced with two workers, while the rest focus on AB2.We changed immediately this morning to locus 7 in AB2 in order to mark the pace of our descent through the rocky layer. Some intersting ceramics in the colluvial wash including some sherds likely from the same highly decorated, red LB jar excavted from the AB1 wash in 2006. Some possible EB ceramics were also found here, but I need to examine them more closely after they are washed. As lightening was sighted nearby around 2:30 we ended work early, got off the hill, and went to Gegharot for the remainder of the work day.