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While the weather was not much better this morning--and very cold--we were able to be more productive and did not have to leave the site early, despite some mild drizzle. We first used the entire crew to finish taking the turf off of the norther half of AB3. I plan to place the entire crew on AB3 tomorrow morning, if I end up mapping more of Aragatsiberd with Ian's robotic total station. They'll work on turf and topsoil there while I map.We then moved onto two tasks in AB1 and 2: (1) establishing a wheelbarrow ramp on the northwest side of AB1, noe necessary because of the trench depth, and (2) cleaning the bedrock off behind the AB1 locus 3 wall, which had become covered with colluvium after the recent heavy rains. The cleaning in AB1 revealed the appropriate bedrock as expected, but some unexpected deep pockets in the rock behind the wall and at the southern AB1 trench wall will continue to be investigated tomorrow. The fact that some EB materials were found in this generally sterile layer of wall construction fill is interesting. By the time we finish this work tomorrow we should also have clarified the intersection of the bedrock, locus 3 wall, and the intertrench baulk.In AB2 we were able to clear off all four wall sections and conclude that we come to the base of rocky locus 7 across almost the entire trench. Bone frequencies continued to be remarkably high in the northeast corner of AB2, where a full cow tibia and distal femur tip were unearthed alongisde numerous other cow bones (10 bags total!). After some more work in the northern trench half we changed loci to number 8, a sandy silt locus with 30% rocks, and began to excavate it in 10cm arbitrary courses. Locus 8 features a lot of wall fall in front of wall loci 4 and 5, in the southern half of the trench. Material frequencies in this loci are noticeably lower, although still significant, indicating the transition from colluvial wash layers to cultural fill above a potential occpuation floor.