06.28.2008. Second day of excavations. It was raining all the night, but in the morning there was no rain, but a lot of wind on the slope of the hill, but the sun was already present. The goal was to finish removing the topsoil. In the upper side of the trench few EB sherds has been found, mixed with LB sherds. After removing a very thin layer of topsoil, some structures appeared. The color of soil is different (in humid condition) from one side to the other. In the lower side the soil is clayed yellow-brown (bedrock?), and the upper side the soil is dark brown with some exceptions. The surface soil is darker in the upper side in some places is dark black. After verification the black soil doesn’t reveal any fire mark (the bones and ceramics are not burnt). A lot of EB and LB sherds have been found, also about twenty pieces of obsidian and about thirty pieces of bone. Two lithic objects (millstone ?) have been found.