06.29.2008. Third day of excavations. Today we continued removing the locus 1 (topsoil). Especially we worked in the upper side of the trench. It was raining all the night, and consequently the soil was damp which made appear more precisely the stone structures. The removing of topsoil revealed also the natural rock which is probably a part of a structure. On the North of the upper side a stone structure reveals a circle from which a half part is outside of the trench and has not been excavated. After detailed verification no fire track, coal or burnt object has been discovered. So for the moment it can’t be considered as a fireplace (may be a base of a post ?). On the east angle of the trench the soil is yellow-light brown, which can be the bedrock. Some aligned structures made out, with some arranged stones. The presence of few irregular structures shows that may be a little part of the wall has been felt down. In the upper side only LB ceramics has been found.