2008-07-09. Wednesday. today i had two of armine;s workers in my operation, to speed up the dirt removal and wall cleaning. they started by adding a little to the trowel pass across 107 (started by ATS) before being switched to wall cleaning (drawings now scheduled for sunday). After taking levels across locus 112, I began by taking down some more of locus 110-- removing black topsoil with a shovel down to the plastoc laid over stone courses between the end of the walls (containing locus 104) and the north baulk. my guys continued to take down locus 109, and to work with the wheelbarrow removing dirt from all over the operation. i took down locus 112, north of the EB wall courses, all the way to the rockfall near the north baulk. this uncovered some articulated pieces of EB rim in situ (but so far no pot body-- was perhaps washed out?) as well as a round, flat, palm- sized grinding stone which complements the stone tool assemblage found to the south of the large grindstone yesterday afternoon. these new finds were added to the drawing, and at the end of the day the whole locus-- along with the cleaned wall which now has two lines of stones-- was photographed by ATS. RB and i removed the large sherds, stone tools, and the andiron fragment. the grindstones and some additional sherds, along with the in situ rim, await further cleaning tomorrow-- they were covered with soil from locus 109. at the bottom of locus 109 in he center (at elevation of d3- 120) the workers uncovered part of a fragmented vessel in situ this vessel underwent some heavy traffic today and needs to be recleaned tomorrow. the walls were cleaned, rocks were removed according to RB's specifications, and tomorrow hopefully locus 112 will be closed and that part of the site taken down.