2008-07-11. Friday. This morning we first finished the pass started on Thursday, and then immediately start another-- given the depth of the deposit above the LB floor, and the tendency of my workers to inattention, I don’t want to move too much soil at once (and anyway, we cant without wheelbarrow…) I will start the second pass by taking down the soil near the bedrock slope and then having them take the level across. I addressed a few other tasks. I took down the pedestals and generally cleaned loose remains in locus 112. I articulated the stones in the EB wall between 112 and 108, so that L. could add the wall to her drawing. I also continued cleaning in locus 110, bringing down a mini- baulk with a straight line between the general areas of 110 and 107. Progress across 107 brought up bones and small, worn sherds-- though one large sherd came up near the west end of the floor area. I took a c14 sample from the floor near the bedrock, at elevation 2282.87 masl. At the end of the day, we had almost an entire pass finished, leaving mostly dirt around the rock fall.