2008.07.14. Monday. today we got halfway across 107 (starting from the bedrock at an elevation of 2282.81 masl and digging there to an elevation of 2282.71, before continuing across the floor at this level)--at which point we conferred with ATS and decided to switch to shovels to finish the pass, screening everything. I am not sure at this point if there is a floor waiting to be foubd, or if we are even working in an interior space. Roman dug lower for soil samples next to the lower, western wall courses-- his cut revealed 22+ cm of soil profoile without any internal differentiation at all. the soil remains dark gray- brown, with organic components (though no new c14 samples today) and large quanities of bone: more than 7 bags today, as well as another bag and a half of sherds and more obsidian flakes of various sizes. a couple of groundstone objects came up today-- one half of an ovoid object with a flat base, a rectangular piece with smoothed edges, a spindle-whorl blank and a larger, thinner disc fragment-- this one from the north west range of the context near the rock collapse. from this location also (essentially the last corner of yesterdays trowel pass) also came a round perforated object, perhaps also a spindle whorl but potentially too light, and ceramic. a large bored bone fragment (a round joint end with a wide, perfectly round hole through it) came from the middle of the floor.