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Today I split up the loci in the trench according mostly to placement, not soil change, as the soil continues to baffle me and I can't see any significant differences--except that we may be getting bedrocky-type soil in the W baulk, similar to that E of the E wall of the central room. This soil is micaeous, coarsely-grained, and poorly-sorted, with black and white specks of granite throughout. As of now, I am not sure we have bedrock; for one thing, it appears far more micaeous than the bedrock on the other side (different erosional patterns?), more destroyed/granular/degraded, and also quite spotty as of yet. So now, the W corner is Locus 16, and is the locus in which all the vessels have been found. We had it at a uniform depth (except for near the "bedrock" in the W baulk, because I'm not sure what's up with that), when I discovered that we had more vessels hiding underneath those visible yesterday. So we dug down a little between the vessels to reveal the hidden ones, and we need to keep working that corner downward tomorrow.We also kept digging around the clay basin, one person working northward to the W of the clay basin (Locus 19) (ATS is now not sure it is a basin, and I think he may be right, but what on earth is it?!), and one person working north and westward to the E of the "basin" (Locus 17). Hopefully we will be able to dig down the rest of the room tomorrow, though the focus will again be on Locus 16.