2008-07-24. Thursday. today we began taking down locus 112 to the level of locus 109-- with the intent to then take down the entire EB area of the trench as one combined locus, until the bedrock truly bottoms out. the most remarkable find from today was a fragmented but mostly complete EB vessel-- a bowl with a flat base and a straight rim, with the sort of typical kura-arax swastika- fleur-de-lis. this vessel was found in the bottom of 112 near the grindstones, west and lower, of course. i think this vessel is part of the general assemblage of large fineware sherds which had sort of slid 'down' in the matrix from the level of the hearth feature. to the north of the locus, a wall- like line of small stones emerged, roughly parallel to the LB wall to the east, and seemingly contiguous with the curving pedestaled stones in locus 109, forming a round wall feature. these newly uncovered stones are pedestaled on one side, but still connected in to the matrix on the east face. they are resting on a thin layer of darker soil on top of what looks like bedrock. in the developing pedestals beneath the LB wall, it is possible to see the burnt hearth layer, under which is a ubiquitous layer of micaceous gravelly soil, which blends into a more homogenized light soil. full understanding of the stratigraphy is pending, but one though is that the single courses of EB walls which are left were laid on top of bedrock, which was later terraced and sculpted on a large scale by the LB occupation. tomorrow i will definitely start troweling inside locus 104, to see if we can get a better look at what the relationship is between the area of locus 107 and the EB loci.