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A cooler, more tolerable day at Aragatsiberd today, with a sprinkling of harmless rain at the end of the day.In operation AB3 we continued to descend and pull rocks from the two northern trench loci 9 and 11. Artifact frequencies continue to be moderate, with increasing mottling and charcoal flecking as we descend. When loci 9 and 11 are even, we will dig them as one locus. The locus 6 "floor" clearly must dip lower than its current flat trajectory if it is present in northern AB3.In AB4 we almost completed the removal of the locus 2, half-trench topsoil, ending the day at a layer of yellow silty matrix just at the terminus of topsoil. This mirrors the first two depositional layers in AB3 and bodes well for a sealed layer of ashy destruction. In the eastern third of locus 2 we uncovered what may be a wall portion, partially visible on the surface as well. Ceramic frequencies were especially high in this locus, with several large LM pithoi sherds. On Monday we will finish excavating the locus, clean up the trench walls, and pull several pedestalled stones which sat in the topsoil.