The purpose of this new locus was to expose the presumed hearth-like installation seen in the course of excavating locus 48. The locus is thus situated beneath the area of the WB ramp toward the western end of the northwest wall and a bit to the north of the ramp, in the area of what was previously locus 48. The matrix excavated in this locus is the same as that of the floor seen elsewhere, the tannish brown silty clay with specs of charcoal and splotches of orange clay and darker lenses rich in organics. But the locus ended in a feature marked by several stones atop and within a hard packed clay matrix. In the middle of these stones, which appear to be roughly arranged in a rectangle, is evidence of burning in the form of burnt earth and a packed burnt clay substance (akin to that encountered against the northeast wall in locus 61). The feature will be given a locus separately. Scattered throughout are large chunks of oven parts (similar to those in WSI2.20) as well as vessel fragments. The bottom elevation indicated above are from the lowest point to the west of the feature. Additional elevations in notebook from 7/27.