This locus lies underneath Locus 5 in the eastern corner of WSAC and was declared as a potential floor layer, with mottled, compact medium brown and organic rich soil with small bits of charcoal scattered throughout. The elevation given is the center of the eastern corner, for complete elevations see sketch in notebook. This locus abuts the NE and SE walls, and rather sparsely consists of bone and ceramics, with little obsidian. The soil directly abutting the stones of the walls is of a more chalky, lighter color, but is still very compact. The locus was screened as this is a new area for Project ArAGATS and it is possible that it was a floor layer in a higher area than the rest of the trench. As of 7/7/10 it was extending south and west toward the rockfall in the northern area. As of 7/8/10 the extent of this 'floor' level has spread into the center of the trench but is still not visible in the western, northern or southern corners.