Feature 31 in WSAC constitutes an oddly placed depression in one of the stones that make up the paved floor in WSAC, near the SE wall. This depression, perhaps carved into the rock or a result of natural deterioration (as this type of rock is very porous/aerated and crumbly), is in an unusual placement near the SE wall of the room, and specifically about 45 cm what we have been calling the doorway into WSAD. If it is indeed a posthole, it is rather- or too- close to the wall, and if it is a doorpost, it is too far. It seems unlikely that it is a pit or basin, as there was nothing inside it but earth, so no soil sample was taken. However, the feature sits at the end of the linear stone arrangement Feature 26, and also at the beginning of another feature along the SE wall. If it is natural erosion, it is remarkably circular in shape. See notebook for sketch and elevations; also took photograph 8/10/10.
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