Very large pit, lined with baked clay of a muddy red color, discovered while investigating extent of Iron III floor in WSAD, extending out from the northern corner of the room. The reddish clay is of the same sort noticed a few days ago at the level of the floor in front of feature 16, and also coating some of the lower stones of the NE and NW walls in the room.
Interestingly, the pit was initially filled with rocks that were later removed (see photograph taken 8/11/10) which are likely part of the Iron III paved floor which sunk into the pit, indicating that the Iron III occupation covered over the pit. The matrix inside the pit, on top of the baked red clay, was a darker brown, looser matrix than the hardpacked clay of the floor. The pit contained a number of bones (the material was screened) as well as several fragments of a single vessel (that appears to be LBA) underneath a rock, including a handle and rim.
There were some pockets of grayer soil, suggesting ash, although not much charcoal was recovered. Two samples were taken- a potential charred bone or wooden object, and one charcoal sample. Although the pit is wide, roughly 1.85 meters, but shallow, only 45 cm deep.
Locus was closed 8/11/10 after reaching clay lined bottom.
Type | Code | Entered By | Period | Complete | Actions |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.13 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.1 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.18 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.9 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.10 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.11 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.3 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.6 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.7 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.8 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.19 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.16 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.20 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.21 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.22 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.23 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.24 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.25 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.26 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.27 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.28 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.29 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.30 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.31 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.33 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.34 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.35 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.36 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.38 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.2 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.12 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.37 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.4 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.14 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.15 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.32 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.5 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Fauna | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.17 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
FaunaObject | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.B.02 | Belinda Monahan | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
FaunaObject | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.B.01 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Lithic | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.L.01 | Katie Kearns | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Radiocarbon | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.C14.01 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit | |
Radiocarbon | Ar/Ts.WSAD.33.C14.02 | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |