This locus was initially created because the powdery, incredibly soft matrix distinguished itself from the more packed clay of the floor of locus 11. At first I thought it might be a pit, but no clear definition emerged, and it is more likely that it is the result of some sort of animal intrusion. It is also possible that it is a fill level beneath what was the floor. Notably, ceramic densities were lower here than in other loci. Three larger stones were removed from the the locus, which I think were fall from locus 12. Top elevation is 1.43 bd 1 on the west side. Bottom elevation is 1.85 bd 1 on the west side. At the bottom of the locus, on bedrock, is what appears to be a base sherd (upside down?) and body sherds of the same vessel. Have covered up until the adjacent area is excavated to see if the vessel continues.
No Entities