This vessel was located close to the northeastern corner of the chamber. It is a jar with round rim, short neck part, protruded shoulder part and convex bottom. It is in a black color and decorated with linear patterns beneath the neck part and with dash like patterns poked at the shoulder and bottom. There exists evidence of carbon on the outer surface, the phenomenon of which may indicate that it was used as cooking vessel. It was broken intendedly, and the two halves of this vessel were overlapped with each other instead of scattering in the chamber. Two rim pieces perhaps dropped to the center of the chamber during the filling process, since they were upside down and located close to but not overlap with each other.
AEC took two bags of soil sample from the dirt close to this vessel. Since this a broken vessel, we are not sure whether this soil is right inside the vessel, thus they were still registered as soil bags under locus 7 (chamber soil).
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