Locus 16 is the human remains in Burial 01.This is a single primary inhumation, and the preservation of this skeleton is poor. The main color of the bones is orange or yellow. The splitting and cracking of the bones is mainly transverse and many plant roots have intruded into the cavities of long bones and pelvis. Some parts of the skeleton have already fused with the clay floor beneath. The bones still need to be further cleaned in order to observe if there is any mark or polish.
This skeleton is partial articulation with a relative complete body and some bones in correct position but some seems to be scattered in incorrect location, the phenomenon of which perhaps due to post-depositional processes, such as decomposition at time of burial. To be specific, the skull is in the west of the chamber facing down and the mandible is located upon several ribs with the chin toward the skull. Besides, the ribs are placed from the head part to the lower legs; the coccyx is located close to the lower end of the left tibia (?) and several foot bones were found beneath the pelvis.
The individual is probably deposited on the left side and in general in a flexed position. The right femur has a 90° angle with the trunk and the left femur is extended. The two knees are flexed with a 60° to 80° angle between femur and tibia. The right (?) arm is possibly located along the side but the left (?) one may extend toward north, i.e. the left side of the body. Specifically, the right humerus is located in between a small vessel (Locus 15) and a large black jar (Locus 14) and also in the west of an upside down black vessel (Locus 13). Several phalanges of hand, carpal bones and ribs were scattered around these three vessels. A vertebrae is found to the east of the locus 14. The knee joint of the right leg is against the upside down vessel in the east.
Moreover, a bone spindle whorl was rested on the ulna and radius in the north of the chamber close to the vessels mentioned above. Several beads were found close to the arm and hand part of the skeleton. Beads distributed next to the arm were relatively larger than those near the hand.
Lastly, two samples of isotope have been taken near teeth and femur respectively and the control sample was from the northeastern corner of the chamber.
The human remains were analyzed in July 2018 by MEM. The cranium, mandible, R humerus, R Os Coxa were washed with 10% acetic acid to remove calcite. The Left Femur was not washed. All other bones were washed with local water from a tank.