This locus was initially uncovered in the 4x4m operation. The orientation and extent, however, did not become clear until the trench reached its complete size of 9x12m. This context refers to the well-defined curvilinear wall that runs parallel to locus (wall) 9. Situated east of the aforementioned wall, locus 10 spans almost the entire length of the unit. It appears to begin in the SW quadrant and runs north until it joins with the buttress of wall 14 situated immediately to the east of locus 22. It is unclear if wall 26 to the north of locus 22 was a continuation of locus 10. The composition of wall 10 is such that it has as many as three courses in the southernmost part of the wall (where we have both sides faced). This wall is two stones wide (with the exception of a few gaps). It is built almost exclusively from granite and the individual stones range in size from 15-30cm. Like wall 9, the stones appear in most places to sit between 5 and 5cm from the associated floor levels in loci 32 and 23. The height of the wall averages .35m. If you include the join as part of this wall, the length of the wall spans the entire unit. Excluding the join it is about 8.5m long.
This wall is consistent with a number of other EB walls found at Gegharot that are two stones wide. .
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