Locus 5 refers to the high concentration of stones -- or dense rock pile -- in the western half of the operation and the associated cultural materials from cleaning. This locus underlies locus 3. The matrix itself is characterized by a wash of medium brown silty sand. It is composed of tight packed stones, only some of which have any sense of order. It was initially believed that throughout cleaning this context we would be able to distinguish collapse from walls. It later became clear, however, that while some of these stones may be collapse from W4201 (the north south terrace wall also known as locus 7), there were too many stones for these to only be associated with this architectural feature. Moreover, the density of cultural materials in this locus was considerably less than in overlying loci. This ultimately led us to deduce that this conglomeration of stones was the result of bulldozing activity. While we removed some of the stones to expose the face of W4201, this locus was effectively never dug since we came down on more sterile deposits of stone. The ultimate depth of this context is unknown since we did not excavate out the locus.
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