This sherd features 5 registers of oblique hatching, alternating their orientation. In the first register the hatches run upper left to lower right, switching to lower left to upper right, and back, etc... The end of each hatch attaches directly to the hatch in the succeeding register, creating a modified herringbone appearance. As the thickness of the vessel wall decreases from superior to inferior on the sherd, this sherd may be close to the BS break. The large inclusions also include pebble/grit-sized particles, as well as coarse and medium sand particles. The external surface is heavily abraded and the internal surface is significantly cracked, although it does not seem to have been roasted in the Gegharot fires. The exterior color seem to an intended, lighter slip color. The interior surface has mica popping, while there is none on the exterior. No noticeable corrosion, breaks are hackley.
From Interior to Exterior