A grip handle fragment that has cleaved of its vessel, taking the vessel wall with it at one extremity. If the vessel wall section is from the body or shoulder, the sherd composes only a small portion of a rather large handle. It is decorated with what appears to have been a line of point ornaments, averaging 0.5cm in diameter, running superior-inferiorly on the lateral/dorsal side of the handle (the side than is gripped). Only two of these ornaments are preserved. At several points on the exterior surface Weak Red 10R 4/4 mottling is present, particularly around the point ornaments (paint?). In addition to the medium sand noted above, fine and coarse sand particles are also present in the fabric. Some very coarse sand particles, grit even, are visible in some of the breaks. 50% of all surfaces are covered in light yellowish brown corrosion. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior