Designated MAE209--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. A sizable fragment from an undecorated LB trapezoidal vessel. This is a side piece, unlike the MAE0204 and 0206 end pieces. It is difficult to orient due to the fact that: (1) numerous linear impressions, either from textile or cord material, mostly run perpendicular to all four sherd edges and (2) the misshapen form of the sherd may be due to the complicated trapezoidal form, destruction fire, or both. The exterior also features several lumps or bumps. The interior is at least 50% abraded or chipped away, leaving only a very discolored, Gray 10YR 5/1 area in place. In addition to the fine sand, moderate amounts of coarse and very coarse sand are visible in the fabric, and perforating both surfaces. Very limited frequencies of pyrite pops are visible in the exterior. Breaks are hackley.
From Interior to Exterior