An unrestricted LB vessel fragment, probably a "pot," decorated with a poorly rendered, single circumferential incised line on the shoulder. Due to its poor quality the "line" may also be several lines, or an interrupted zigzag ornament. The well-polished, mottled exterior has lost much of its sheen to abrasion. The exterior surface colors consist of the above listed reddish brown mottled with much Black GY1 2.5/N, particularly below the circumferential ornament. So, reddish brown on the upper shoulder and black on the lower shoulder. No visible polishing marks above the n/s boundary. In addition to the fine sand inclusions noted above, medium sand also present in high amounts. The core band 2 color is actually Dark Reddish Gray 10R 4/1, not 3/1. Very small amounts of pyrite are visible in the exterior surface, while significant frequencies of medium and coarse sand are visible in the interior and exterior surfaces, pressing through the fabric. Rotational striations or impressions are visible on all surfaces, particularly heavily on the interior surface. Scratch marks and high amounts of abrasion are visible on the interior neck and superior rim surface.
From Interior to Exterior