Fragment from a short-necked jar with an indented rim, likely for placing a lid of some sort. There are no visible decorations. The indented area, 0.66cm wide, certainly features additional corrosion and/or usage markings. In addition to the indented superior rim surface, there is a minor indentation on the interior rim surface and just below the exterior rim (the beginning of the exterior neck), where a tool has been used to dig into the clay and create/finish the rim. Rather unusual is that the exterior is unpolished while traces of polish are present on the interior surface. Rotational striations are visible on all surfaces, even on the superior, indented rim surface. In addition to the medium sand noted above, fine and coarse sand also present in small frequencies. Sorting is noted above as "poor," but it's very close to being "well"-sorted. Small frequencies of pyrite are visible in all surfaces, but very few of the sand inclusions perforate the surfaces. Significant amounts (60%) of pale brown corrosion cover all surfaces, but concentrate on the rim and below it on the exterior and interior surfaces. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior