A large sherd from a large storage jar, this vessel is very difficult to classify chronologically--Ruben and Pavel do not necessarily agree, but there is general agreement now that it is LB. The sherd consists of a highly eroded and inconsistent rim affixed to a broad shoulder swath which hosts 2 registers of oblique hatchings. The first, superior register of hatches run from upper right to lower left. They are deeply incised into the vessel and average 1.5cm in length. They are also rather broad, averaging 0.25cm wide. The second band of hatches sits on top of a raised band, just above the s/b transition. These hatches also run from upper right to lower left, but are shorter in length, averaging 0.8cm. They are a similar 0.25cm width. There is a strong carbon gloss sheen to the exterior surface, although this polish remains on only half of the sherd, particularly on the body and lower shoulder. There is a mottling of Pinkish Gray 5YR 6/2 at the exterior r/s transition. While coarse sand predominates in the fabric, fine, medium, and very coarse sand are also present in limited amounts. Pyrite particles visibly perforate the interior and exterior surfaces in moderate amounts; more limited frequencies of coarse sand are visible as well. Breaks are rough. Pale gray corrosion is present over 20-30% of both surfaces, particularly within the incised hatches.
From Interior to Exterior