A small, undecorated LM pot or jar with a shoulder that transitions directly into a long, rather straight, rim. This creates the appearance of a rim without technically any rim being present (in term of vessel axes/transitions. One could also call this a rimless neck situation. Difficult to assess if this vessel is restricted or unrestricted. There are intense polishing marks on the exterior and traces of polish, high abraded on the interior. The marks are so deep they almost approach ornamentation status. The superior-most portions of the interior and exterior rim are unpolished and much more highly abraded than the rest of the vessel fragment. Perhaps this is from usage. In addition to the dominant coarse sand inclusions, fine and medium sand particles are also present in moderate amounts. Very crumbly, soft paste, clay body stacking is visible, oblique to the surfaces. Breaks are rough. Pale yellow corrosion covers 30% of the surfaces, particularly the more abraded portions of the rim.
From Interior to Exterior