A thick, medium-sized KA pot or jar with a bulging shoulder that juts out significantly from the neck--possibly a "tripartite" KA vessel. The decoration schema sits on the neck, just above the n/s transition, and the break runs right through it, leaving more of the ornamentation preserved on the upper right than on the lower left. The ornaments consist of a single register of wide triangles (or zigzag) filled with and surrounded by oblique hatches. A small portion of another triangle may be preserved at the upper left break, suggesting that a zigzag processes across the register, leaving "triangles" in the negative spaces. The register is bounded inferiorly by a single impressed line. The exterior surface is covered in dense horizontal polish marks, very shiny. The interior is features horizontal rotational striations and deep furrows or impressions at the n/s transition. While the interior neck is the Reddish Brown 5YR 5/3 listed above, the interior shoulder is Brown 7.5YR 4/2. The transition between the two colors, like the transition between the neck and shoulder itself, is inconsistent, messy. There are just as many fine sand grains as medium sand visible in the fabric. Breaks are hackly and there is 10% light brown corrosion on all surfaces, particularly filling impressions and scratches.
From Interior to Exterior