A highly polished undecorated body sherd, likely from an LB jar or shouldered bowl. 1 large spall on the interior surface. The exterior is as polished and heterogeneous as the interior is unpolished and homogeneous. The exterior polish appears to have been applied vertically, seemingly dripping down towards the base. Some undulations in wall thickness are visible, most easily on the interior surface, and can be felt with fingers. These may represent coil or slab joins smoothed on the wheel. The exterior is highly abraded and scratched across approximately 40% of its surface. Exterior is also mottled with Pinkish Gray 7.5Yr 6/2. High frequency circumferential rotational striations are visible on both surfaces. Rather compact fabric, featuring limited frequencies of very coarse and medium sand in addition to the very fine sand. Limited amounts of inclusions, including pyrite particles, perforate both surfaces. Breaks are smooth.
From Interior to Exterior