This locus constitutes the material underneath two large stones removed from the doorway area in WSAD on 8/9/10. The stones made up the outer face of the NW wall in this room, and delimited a small area covering Feature 27, a semicircular basin-type feature embedded in the paved stone floor. The matrix of this locus is mostly the cultural deposit of yellow-brownish silty clay, below the overburden, and delimited by a number of stones. It surrounds Feature 27, and contained a high number of rather large pieces of charcoal, as well as some splotches of orange clay, perhaps suggesting a hearth/cooking area associated with Feature 27.
Locus closed 8/11/10, after bringing down level beneath Feature 27 to the north. The matrix began to appear more yellowish.
30/6/2011- KK entered the stratum as 1 (?) because the radiocarbon dates for a large piece of charcoal from this context came back as Early Bronze Age.