July 1, 2013
Locus 4 is adjacent to Locus 2. Bisecting the trench was done arbitrarily to manage archaeological materials. The soil is dark and looks black. The soil is loose and contains a lot of gravel toward the center of the room toward the balk.. As we dug toward the NE wall, I found the soil to be lighter. The plan for locus 4 was to clean up the dirt under the sod. There were no small finds or charcoal here. Because this locus was large, it took a long time to remove the dirt. The workers took nearly the whole day plus part of the morning the next day to remove the dirt from locus 4. There is a large boulder between locus 2 and 4. After digging in locus 4 around the boulder, I feel more confident that it is floating. Locus 4 is located in the SE part of the trench and bordered by part of the NE wall and also bordered by the SE wall. The workers dug a little too deep in the Eastern corner. For this reason, the bottom datum in the E corner is lower than the rest of the locus and does not represent the amount of dirt we took out.
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