This locus is the large pile of rocks in the NE quadrant of the kurgan, just north of the central capstone.
This pile consisted of smaller stones on the top and sides(resting on soil), with larger and askew rocks underneath. After removing those, we encountered two large slabs (one of which was tuff) that were in the pile at an angle, sitting next to each other, and oriented roughly NW-SE. Below these slabs was a large stone that they had been resting on, which we also removed (see notebook (07/23/2013) for a schematic drawing). Underneath these stones was more of the same soil matrix seen in the kurgan mound, a medium brown silty clay loam. The stones in the northern (downslope) part of the pile were sitting higher in the profile than in the southern part.
We found one ceramic sherd in the dirt in the pile.
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