Locus 6 is the cromlech construction in the eastern part of the trench (Burial 02).
The cromlech is very circular, with 21 basalt blocks (measuring from 0.5m x 0.25m to 1.0m x 0.55m). There is one block missing on the north-eastern side, also the most down-slope location in the circle. The western half (up-slope) contains 3(?) successive intern semi-cromlech rings (with stones measuring 0.50m x 0.50m to smaller) with the area between them filled with cobbles measuring 0.10 x 0.07m to larger. The outer south western and southeastern external sides of the cromlech ring are also surrounded by cobbles (about 1.5m x 2.5m in each area). On top of these cobbles, we uncovered about 5 smashed partial vessels.
The eastern (down-slope) half of the cromlech only has a few of the cobbles just inside of the cromlech ring, but the area is mainly devoid of stone architecture. The soil matrix in this area is locus 3.
There is a large central capstone made of tuff that is pretty flat and has a strainght Eastern edge, a Northern edge that comes to a near point, a Western edge that is partially straight and then curves, and a diagonal southern edge. The capstone appeared white and brown on the surface due to the soil matrixes, but when it was broken it was black tuff of a fine grain. Measurements: 1.26 x 1.72 x 0.24.
The capstone was surrounded by 18 smaller mainly tuff stones measuring 0.83 x 0.51 x 0.25m to 0.26 x 0.18 x 0.9m.
We removed 5 stones from on top of the capstone: the largest, highest central stone measuring 0.79 x 0.49 x 0.45m, two smaller stones on either side measuring 0.59 x 0.51 x 0.22m and 0.46 x 0.37 x 0.16m.
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