Designated MAE192--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. A shoulder fragment from a medium-sized LM vessel. The decorative schema consists of a single application of circumferential comb-incised lines--approx. 9 lines in total. The lines average 0.23 cm in width and are spaced on average 0.33 cm apart. The exterior appears to have been highly polished at some point, with significant amounts of it now abraded off, particularly between and within each comb incision. Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on both surfaces, but the internal ones are more deeply impressed, slightly wider, and occasionally run skew to on another. The interior is also 25% covered with chips and spalls. The exterior is 25% mottled with Brown 7.5YR 5/2, the most superior quarter. In addition to the medium sand, significant amounts of coarse and very coarse sand, as well as small pebbles are visible in the fabric. Both surfaces are feature moderate frequencies of pyrite pops. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior