Designated MAE155--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. A significant fragment from a small LB jar. Neck axis is conical only as far as it is preserved/visible. The decorative schema consists of six or seven circumferential, wavy lines applied with a comb and situated between two circumferential incised lines. The lines average 1mm in width and are spaced on average 1.5mm apart. 2mm on average separate the wavy lines from the incised (straight) lines superiorly and inferiorly. The exterior appears to have been highly polished, beginning immediately at the n/s transition and extending over the entire remainder of the sherd. Significant amounts of polish have now abraded off of the upper shoulder, superior to the decorations. Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on the internal surface, with more limited amounts visible on the exterior, largely do to the polish. The interior also features three slip of band 1 spalls, on average 1.5 cm in diameter. The exterior, particularly the interior shoulder, features some lumpy, unevenness to the touch. The interior is mottled with 30% Black GY1 2.5/N and 20% Reddish Brown 5YR 4/3. In addition to the fine sand, significant amounts of medium and coarse sand are visible in the fabric. The exterior features limited amounts of pyrite pops, with moderate amounts on the interior. Breaks are smooth.
From Interior to Exterior