This burial cluster is located just below Ashot-Yerkat fortress (0.19km to the southwest) and 0.55km east of Tsilkar fortress (map quad E4k).
The burials are set near the summit of the first line of the Pambak hills. The immediate slope is far less steep than the approaches to the south and east. Nevertheless, the outcrop is highly weathered with numerous bedrock outcrops and very thin to non-existent soil deposits.
This cluster of standard cromlechs is set among strewn boulders and bedrock outcrops. The burial installations blend in well with very rocky surroundings and as a result it is difficult to provide either a general count of the burials or an assessment of the level of disturbance. Many of the cromlechs do appear to have been partially destroyed. On this highly weathered slope such impacts were most likely from weathering and erosion.
Despite the clear disturbance of the burials, no surface materials were found.
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