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General Info
Site ID
Site Name
Gegharot BC 04
Site Type
Burial Cluster
Late Bronze, Iron 1
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing

This cluster of cromlechs is located 0.28 km of Ashot-Yerkat (bearing 103°) and 2.06km (bearing 17°) of Gegharot fortress (map quadrant E4k).


Like the other burial clusters located on the approaches to Ashot-Yerkat, Gegharot BC 4 is set on a steep eroded, southeast facing slope. The terrain drops dramatically into the ravine below.

General Description

Gegharot BC 4 includes approximately 4-8 burials, but the extent of the site is extremely hard to reconstruct. The steep slope and intense erosion appear to have profoundly impacted the preservation of the tombs. As a result, the cluster does not appear to be very discrete or compact and our counts are highly conservative. Many burials appear to have been completely or partially destroyed. Bedrock outcrops and fallen boulders, also obscure efforts to determine the precise arrangement and number of burials. Standard and bedrock style cromlechs were recorded in this cluster. Most are small to medium in size, ranging from 3 to 5m in diameter.

Features & Materials

No surface materials.

Feature 1: The upslope arc of the outer ring of this cromlech utilized the natural bedrock, although it may have been shaped slightly. The down slope arc of the outer ring was built of medium-sized shaped blocks. The ring defines a diameter of 4.7m east-west and 4.8m north-south. The single visible capstone measures 0.6 x 0.4m. A broad scatter of small cobbles down hill from the burial suggest strongly that there might once have been a cobble mound that was subsequently washed away.

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